Monday, January 24, 2011

Progression is a kick in the junk

I tell you what. I am not a "Wrath Baby". Anyone who reads this blog (all 3 of you!), knows that I have been playing since Vanilla. I bashed my head against a wall with the best of 'em. But, starting a new guild with the idea of raiding is really hard. On top of that, the fact that we are consistently one healer short makes trying to progress that much harder.

Last night was a great example.

Last week, we worked on Halfus, and finally got some good solid progression on him. At the beginning of the night, we were getting one drake down, but wiping before we got the second down. Then as the night went on, we were getting two drakes down. Then, on the second to the last pull, we got all three drakes down, but hit the enrage timer at 4.5 million remaining health. Then, on the last pull of the night, we got all three drakes down and hit the enrage timer with 3 million health left. We were obviously making solid progress, but we hit out ending time.

Fast forward to last night

After our progress on Halfus last Tuesday night (we got him down to 3 million health when enraged) everyone was coming into this week's raid with high spirits. Unfortunately, Halfus kicked out butts "six ways to Sunday". We weren't even getting one drake down. It was ugly. Things were just not clicking. The only difference was the pug healer that we had to run with (see above statement about being short healers). Now, the pug healer we had last night is good. I know and trust her, and her numbers were good, but still we were having major issues.

So, we decided to go work on Magmaw instead. Now, this is a 1 tank fight, so I have to go heals (did I mention that we are perpetually one healer short), while our bear tanks the boss. It didn't take long before this fight started kicking us in the junk as well. We couldn't do even the most simple things, it seemed.

Then, just when the raid leader and I were talking about quitting early for the night, we gave it one more try, and FINALLY things started to click. We didn't kill Magmaw, but we did get him to 37% (our best attempt thusfar).

The worst part is, neither the raid leader or myself could figure out WHY we were doing so bad. All the numbers seemed inline with the numbers we were pulling last week, but we were getting no where near the successes we saw last week.

I was ready to quit last night. I really was. The frustration was so high, I just wanted to walk away and do something else. That has really never happened to me before during a raid.

I guess we will see how if goes tonight . . . if we have enough healers online.

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