So, once I decided that I was ready to commit to a raiding guild, I app'ed to Nerd Rage, and was brought in that very night to roll into Ulduar. I was wearing a mix of blues and Naxx-10 loot at the time, whereas everyone in Nerd Rage was decked out in full sets of Naxx-25 gear. So, like I said, I walked in that Tuesday night, and started out as DPS (my gearset for which was even worse). I DPS'd through the first four bosses, getting a huge upgrade to my shoulders from XT in the process (I still love how those shoulders looked). Then we got to Kologarn, and I was asked to switch to my tank spec and tank the adds from the arm. Largely because of the gear difference, I had to bust my ass to grab and hold aggro on those piles of stone, and I was still losing one every now and again.
This was the night that I realized that consecrate was no longer the mob glue it was back in BC. We didn't get Kologarn down that night, but we would the next week. I would go on to be present for each and every progression boss kill in 25-man all the way through Sindragosa (except Professor Putricide). I was a member of Nerd Rage, and I was proud of wearing that guild tag.
Anyway, I ramble. So when most of my friends left Nerd Rage, I left Nerd Rage as well, but I didn't join the guild that they all went to, because the scheduling didn't match up with my availability.
So, last night I get a whisper from one of my friends saying that she was trying to convince her raid leader to invite me to raids if they have room. I'm game, because otherwise, I'm just twiddling my thumbs until Cataclysm. So, I get the invite, and they are doing Halion 25. I think, "cool, I haven't downed this guy on 25-man yet".
So, after the second pull, I get a whisper from the guild leader asking if I would mind if he sends me a guild invite. I think to myself, "Am I really that good?"
I tell him that as long as he is okay with my being late to raid some nights because of my conflict with their starting time, then sure, send the invite. He says he is cool with it and, long story short, I am now a member of a guild again.
So then we proceed to work on Halion-25. I never got this kill in Nerd Rage, so needless to say, once we got the kill (on the last pull of the night, btw), something popped up on my screen (ignore the date, I pulled this pic from the internet, as I didn't take a screenshot) :

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