Friday, September 11, 2009

A great night, a great week

Coming off of our guild first kill of Anub’arak in 25-man Coliseum (on Tuesday), and after 3 months and 70+ attempts, Nerd Rage finally downed Yogg Saron last night. I would like to take a moment to thank the academy, and the fans…..errr, wrong speech.

Last week we suffered a heart-breaking 3% wipe on Yogg. What made it worse was that one of our best DPS’ers was not in raid because his account got hacked. We knew that had he been there, we would have downed Yogg that night.

But this night started much differently. We were actually just minutes from calling raid altogether, because an hour after start time we still didn’t have 25 people online. People were restless in vent. I know I was joking around trying to keep everyone loose (let’s just say the conversation revolved around Canadians and bacon, while being laced with plenty of healthy sexual innuendo). It just didn’t seem to bode well.

We finally get a raid put together. We pull. We pop an extra Guardian right at the beginning to help us get through Phase 1 faster. It wasn’t our cleanest phase 1, but it was good enough. Phase 2 really was a thing of beauty. We actually found ourselves with nothing to kill on occasion. We would down the crusher, kill corrupter, and stand around until the brain phase ended for more tentacles to spawn. Phase 3 started, and no one had gone insane, and all 25 were still alive. I knew right then that we had a chance. Phase 3 is among the most hectic settings I have ever tanked in. With Guardians, that will one shot a non-tank, spawning every 10 seconds or so (thankfully Hand of Reckoning has an 8 sec cooldown). All I could think about was just keeping up with the guardian spawn rate. Consecrate, hammer, taunt, shield, judge, taunt, holy shield, hammer, taunt, etc... I heard someone ask on vent what his health was at…2 million. Then 1.5 million. Then 1 million. Then suddenly the mad rush ended. Two achievements popped up on my screen. It was over. We had done it!

There was a moment of silence before vent just exploded. I actually had goosebumps. Not only had we just downed Yogg, we one-shot him! What an awesome encounter. Thank you Blizzard.

We were on a high. Then we ran into a quandary. What to do with the rest of the night. We had already cleared the Coliseum on Tuesday night, so we decided to go and do three Drakes since we had never done it either. We one shot that too.

So now let the hard modes begin. We had been extending our raid locks since 3.2 hit and focusing on killing that no-eyed, old god since long before that. The guild leadership was steadfast in its position that no hard modes would even be attempted until we got Yogg down. I agreed entirely, and I have to say kudos to our raid leaders for standing strong on that position when people were crying for hard modes.

But we can worry about hard modes another night because…Last night was a great night.

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