Friday, February 19, 2010

Verdigris Chain Belt

Verdigris Chain Belt

What a beautiful piece of equipment this is. I have to say that it is one of my favorite pieces of gear that I have ever gotten. Not because of it's stats, which are AMAZING mind you, but because when you put it on, it looks like you are wearing a Professional Wrestling Championship Belt (the model viewer on Wowhead is not displaying this item correctly, but you can see the screen shots).

It looks fly on my dwarf. Just thought I would share with you guys.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

BG' I come!

Battleground and Honor Changes on the Horizon

This sounds awesome to me. I have always enjoyed doing battlegrounds loads more than Arena.

Battlegrounds are fun, and simulate the war effort between the Horde and the Alliance (some simulate better than others).

Arenas, for me anyway, are just a big ball of stress and frantic button mashing.

If the random BG option has the same effect on my as the Random Dungeon tool did, then I suspect I will me pvping a whole lot more in the coming months than I have up until this point during Wrath.

I am pretty excited about this change, and can't wait to load up the PTR to check it out.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Russian UI

lkbuff.jpg (1600�1000)

This UI is freakin' sweet! How do I get it? Anyone know?

This should be required reading

Big Bear Butt Blogger � Tanking Test! Druid vs Paladin II

I am struck at how accurate I feel this blog post is. I think everyone should read it (and Part 1) just to try and understand their fellow tanks better.

That is all.

Friday, February 5, 2010

To the ground baby!

Tanking and Survivability Changes - Wowraid

So today Paladins got a stealth nerf while DKs got a stealth buff.

Now my first reaction (of course) is to be pissed. I mean, who likes getting nerfed?

But let's look at this logically. Paladins do scale better with stamina than warriors or DKs. There is no denying that. But there is also a reason for that. Warriors, DKs, and druids have a base health (Warrior/DK=8121 at level 80, Druid=7417 at level 80) that is higher than a paladin's base health (6934 at level 80). As a side note, paladins actually have the lowest base health of *any* class in the game at level 80 (see for yourself So before stamina is even considered, warriors, DKs, and druids have the upper hand in health. Another thing to consider is that warriors also have a slot for extra stats that paladins do not get. The ranged slot, also known as the proverbial "stat stick". So a warrior has more health to start with, and can equip extra stamina that paladins can never get. So Blizzard gave paladins a higher stamina modifier in our tanking tree. Seems like it should balance out.

Well, at ilvl245 (the original intended top end of this expansion) it was balanced. But as we all know, the top tier of gear is now ilvl277 (there are eve some ilvl281 pieces from heroic Lich King). Now, all of the sudden, the extra stamina on the higher ilvl gear is scaling too well for Paladins.

I first time I noticed things were amiss was when I noticed that I had more health than my bear co-tank.

Now I don't want anyone to think that I am QQing because I agree that this nerf was needed. But it really didn't have to be. Back during beta for WotLK, the paladin community screamed to have our base health brought in line with that of the warrior. The Devs refused, and opted to instead give us better stamina scaling to make up the difference.

Well, I guess this will teach them.

Or not.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ensidia gets World 1st Arthas-25 kill......not.

Hit the link and then come back.....

Ensidia suspended for 72 Hours

As you can see from the link above, Ensidia got the world first kill on 25-man Arthas. Then, Blizzard promptly banned all accounts involved 72 hours and revoked the achievements and the loot. I may sound like a fanboy here, but in this case I do not think that Ensidia deserved the ban.

For anyone that does not know the details, apparently there was a bug in the encounter where the use of "siege damage" greatly minimized a mechanic in the encounter. Because this particular fight was NOT available on the PTR, how was anyone supposed to know that the fight was not working correctly? Even if they did notice some buggy mechanics, that's nothing out of the ordinary for a new boss fight.

The source of the "siege damage" was a rogue using Saronite Bombs. Now on MMO-Champion, you can see that the rogue did NOT use Saronite Bombs for this encounter only. It is an item that they use regularly. As a matter of fact, according to ElitistJerks, rogues have been using Saronite Bombs as part of their rotation for months.

I just wanted to put my opinion out there. Hopefully Ensidia still get the world first after their 72 hour ban (although I seriously doubt it).

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bang your head!

Short post today, got lots of things going on at work and with school. I just wanted to chime in and say that there is really nothing like banging your head against content all night to remind you of the good ole’ days.

We went in to work on Putricide on Sunday night, and blew through our 11 remaining tries. We still can’t get him to phase three, so we got some work to do. Phase two seems to be our bane at the moment. Malliable Goo kills people who are too busy DPSing or healing to get out of the way of the bouncing goo. I don’t know. You would think that people could just glance up every time DBM squawks to see where the goo is going, move, and then proceed to go about their business.

In other news, it only took us 3-4 tries to get the Blood counsel down on our second night working on them.

Oh well, we will continue to bang our heads against Putricide until we get this done.